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Why Moin* 2038? The answer is simple: the federal state of Bremen has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral by the year 2038! An ambitious goal which can we only be achieved when we all work together. But what might Bremen look like in 2038? How will the city and the life in it change?

Embark on a journey to the year 2038: listen to Nina‘s and Tarik's stories from the future and find out what Bremen could look like if we take action today! You can do this just below or in Bremen's city center, where a large number 2038 at the Liebfrauen-Kirchhof will be standing until September 30th to draw attention to Bremen's climate goal.

*"Moin" is the Bremen way of saying "Hello" or "Hi"!

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© energiekonsens

Nina's story

Nina is 62 years old and a landscape gardener

How will the city center adapt to the changing climate?

Bremen's city center is becoming more climate-resilient, meaning streets, squares, and canals are being redesigned to better handle heavy rain and storms. In the densely built-up city center, some streets, squares, and courtyards will no longer be completely covered with asphalt or concrete. Instead, they will be partially planted with greenery. This helps to capture and store rainwater while also reducing heat in the city.

You can learn more about what Bremen city center project office has planned here(german website) and watch a video (in german) here.

What is the plan for Gröpelingen?

Densely populated areas like the neighorhood of Gröpelingen are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as heavy rainfall and heatwaves. Concrete and asphalt increase the heat and poorly absorb rainwater, leading to potential flooding. A study (in german) highlights the importance of removing concrete and introducing green spaces in Gröpelingen to enhance the neighborhood's quality of life.

However, this transformation will not be imposed on Gröpelingen residents but rather undertaken collaboratively with them. If you're interested in getting involved in climate action in Gröpelingen, the Klimaquartier Gröpelingen (our team in Gröpelingen speaks multiple languages) is an excellent resource. They offer plenty of information, host various events, and encourage collaboration among neighbors, making it easier for everyone to get involved in shaping a more climate-resilient future for Gröpelingen.

What will our nutrituion look like in 2038?

Bremen is a BioCity – and it will continue to be in 2038. This means that in community facilities such as daycare centers, schools, canteens, and hospitals, people can enjoy sustainable, healthy, and delicious meals. Regional foods take priority because their short transportation distances are gentler on the climate. Together, we prioritize humane animal treatment and reduce our meat consumption – for animal welfare, our own health, and climate protection. An action plan for 2025 has already been set in motion, and you can read more about it here (in german).

What is urban gardening?

Urban gardening, where neighbors come together to transform concrete spaces into vegetable and fruit gardens, is flourishing in Bremen. These projects create green spaces in the heart of the city, inviting people to relax and participate. Interested in joining? You can find a list of all community gardens in the state of Bremen here.

Tarik's story

Tarik is 33 years old and an architect

How will Bremen's buildings become more sustainable?

By 2038, Bremen's buildings will be significantly more energy efficient and thereby also significantly reduce their CO2 emissions. The energy building standards specify how well a building must be insulated, what kind of heating systems should be installed, how renewable energies can be used and what other measures can be taken to reduce energy consumption. Existing buildings are also be modernized.

Interested in learning about insulation materials, heating systems, and how to make your home more eco-friendly? The Klima Bau Zentrum can help! They offer free, independent consultations on sustainable home improvements. While their resources are currently available in German, feel free to contact them to inquire about consultations in English.

Which residential projects are planned?

The cityscape of Bremen is changing. Already today many projects are underway that will provide new housing by 2038. One example is the former Bundeswehr high-rise in Falkenstraße, which is currently being extensively renovated and converted into a residential building. This project will create 162 new apartments, commercial spaces, and a daycare center. Additionally, urban living is being further promoted, with more and more people living directly in downtown Bremen. New residential areas are being developed to enable modern, yet affordable living. This is being approached holistically: rooftops are being used for either photovoltaic systems or as green oases for residents.

How is mobility changing in Bremen?

In 2038, we will still be on the move, but how we do it - that will change. Fewer cars, fewer emissions – instead, better and more eco-friendly public transport. Today, Bremen already has twenty electric buses in operation. By the mid-2030s, the entire fleet of the local public transport provider BSAG will be fully electric, and the Blumenthal depot will be modernized and upgraded.

Bikes will continue to play a central role in Bremen's mobility. Because Bremen is and always will be a cycling city. The premium bike routes provide more safety and comfort, accommodating high volumes of bicycle traffic and increasing the use of cargo bikes, e-bikes, and trailers. These routes allow for comfortable travel across the city, whether for short or long distances. Find out more (in german)!

How will Bremen achieve the heat tranistion?

By 2038, oil and gas will be things of the past. Instead, we will be heating with renewable energies. For the heat transition (german), heat pumps, the expansion of local and district heating networks, and the storage and use of solar energy will play a crucial role. At the same time, it will become increasingly important to insulate houses well in order to use energy as efficiently as possible.

Interested in using solar energy or making your heating system ready for the future? The Klima Bau Zentrum offers independent, unbiased consultation.

Good to know

What is climate neutrality?

Climate neutrality means minimizing the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and offsetting any remaining emissions. This can involve using less energy from coal and oil, and instead increasing reliance on renewable energy sources like solar and wind. When we do generate greenhouse gases, we can offset them by planting trees that absorb CO2 from the air. The goal is to ensure that there are no additional greenhouse gases left in the atmosphere in the end.

What is Bremens climate goal?

Bremen and Bremerhaven have set an ambitious goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2038. It's a challenging goal, but one that's within reach if we all work together starting now. We're already feeling the impacts of climate change in Northern Germany, such as extreme heat, droughts, heavy rains, dyke breaches, and biodiversity loss.

In early 2020, a Climate Protection Enquiry Commission was formed with representatives from all political parties and advisors from business, science, associations, and civil society. They put forward a range of recommendations in their 2021 final report, including:

  • Transitioning away from natural gas: By 2035, households should be connected to heating networks or using renewable energy sources like heat pumps.
  • Developing a hydrogen infrastructure for industries, including steelworks.
  • Reducing the number of cars by two-thirds by 2038, with half of the remaining cars being electric.
  • Cutting meat consumption by 50% by 2030.
  • Supporting solar panel installations and energy-efficient home renovations.

You can dive into the full report of the Enquiry Commission here for more details.

What is Bremen doing at the moment?

The Bremen Senate has adopted a climate protection strategy, which includes an Action Plan Climate Protection with 524 measures.
For a detailed overview of Bremen's planned measures and their progress, you can find it here.

What does climate protection have to do with me?

Every little thing we do adds up: whether it's how we shop, eat, drink, get around town, or just chill at home. Each small step might seem like no big deal on its own, but when we all join in, we're helping Bremen and Bremerhaven go climate-neutral and ensuring a better future for ourselves. So, let's get involved and make a difference!

Get involved

More and more people are actively engaging in climate action and creating places – #senkmale – that demonstrate how climate protection can be put into practice. Interested in contributing more to climate action? Explore our interactive #senkmal map to find inspiring climate spots where you can join other climate champions and make a difference!